Freelance recruiting: More success with your own website

If you are in Freelance Recruiting and want to take your business to a new level, you should work on your findability and your public image. An effective way to do this is with your own website. Alongside your LinkedIn profile, it forms your digital presence. In this article, we look at what you should pay attention to.

Your own website: What do you need it for?

Having your own website puts you as a freelancer in the spotlight. Because you are the product that your customers buy. They are buying your expertise, your skills, your network and you as a person. You can express all of this on your website and give new and existing customers an overview of who they are dealing with. This looks professional and also boosts your customer acquisition. Potential new customers in particular can obtain extensive information on your website before they speak to you directly. Essentially, your website is about brand building, branding and sales.

Your own website: How do you create it?

Today, you no longer need your own software developer to create your own website. There are various website builder systems that you can use for this. These range from WordPress to or Jimdo. Just try out which templates you like and how you get on with the respective tools. 

A meaningful domain is of course important for your own website. Your name is usually a good choice here ( There is probably no better branding. However, you could also choose a fantasy name or your specialization (e.g. in the focus.

Example and analysis:

To give you a better picture of a good website, we will analyze the website of Christina Wilbert ( Christina is a consultant and trainer in recruiting and offers a very good example of a successful website.

Website analysis: Structure & organization

The structure and layout of the website are well done in that they provide all the information clearly without being overloaded. The homepage includes the logo at the top left, the telephone number and the menu in the header, as well as a heading H1 ("Coaching, consulting & training") and the selection "For individuals" and "For companies". 

The two buttons pick up the visitor directly and lead them in their desired direction without having to search for a long time. This differentiation is continued throughout the website, both on the home page and via the menu, so that the visitor is always directed to their respective interest. As a result, every interaction leads to a call-to-action (CTA). As a website operator, you want to encourage your visitors to find out more and then do something. This could be, for example, registering on the website or, as in this case, contacting Christina.

Christina offers both written and telephone contact for this purpose. The integration of the telephone number in the header, which can be seen at any time when scrolling, is very good. Remember: Make it as easy as possible for your visitor to contact you at any time. Especially in the business-to-business (B2B) sector, your visitor is on your website for a reason. Perhaps they are looking for new suppliers or comparative offers. They can quickly pick up the phone and talk to a potential new customer. Here it is even a good idea to communicate a clear order to the visitor. A "Call me!" or "Write me a message!" has even more of an effect on the visitor than simply displaying the contact details. Christina uses this in her CTA at the end of the website with "Let's talk!". Inclusion in the header may also be an option.

She also creates a continuation of contact options via cross-references to her LinkedIn and XING profile in the footer of the website. Here you can find out more about Christina, read her posts and get in touch with her. 

Website analysis: Branding

Christina has chosen a very appropriate branding for her public image. The website, just like her LinkedIn posts and certainly also corresponding presentations, always carry the same colors and fonts. She uses a warm beige as the main color, a slightly darker beige as a secondary color and yellow as an accent color. In UI design, the 60-30-10 rule is used to create harmonious and balanced color ratios. 60% of the content is the main color (here: light beige), 30% is the secondary color (here: dark beige) and 10% is the accent color (here: yellow), which is mainly used for the CTA. The integration of a blue tone during mouse-over, i.e. when you move the mouse over an interactive element, makes a lot of sense in terms of contrast and is also visually very balanced. The choice of color is also very well matched to the photos used and offers a good contrast to the font color used (dark blue).

Christina uses her own name as the domain for her website ( This makes a lot of sense for personal branding. Especially when you google her, her website is displayed at number 1. She also came up with her own logo, which fits in with the branding in terms of both color and content. The staircase within the circle symbolizes the ascent and thus fits the respective target groups of individuals (climbing the career ladder) as well as companies (success through better recruiting). The color and style fit into the overall structure and appear modern. 

Another point regarding branding is that Christina uses first names on her website and also in her LinkedIn posts. The question of "you" or "you" is always one that you should ask yourself at the beginning and then follow through constantly. The "you" creates closeness, the "you" creates distance. For Christina's area of coaching in particular, it makes sense to create closeness right from the start. Furthermore, it fits in with the current times and her overall appearance that she is on first-name terms. 

Website analysis: Sales

As already described, your website has one main goal and that is to sell. As the first point of contact for potential new customers, it should already contain all the relevant information that is important for your customers. These are above all:

  • Who am I dealing with?
  • Why should I employ this person?
  • What can I expect?
  • What will it cost me?

Christina answers all these questions on her website. She introduces herself with her CV and her previous projects ("Who am I dealing with?"). She describes the client's challenges and offers solutions ("Why should I employ this person?"). She describes what someone can expect from coaching, for example ("What can I expect?"). And it shows various price packages including prices. 

As a visitor, I am guided through the entire process. I understand who I'm dealing with and why she can solve my problems, how she goes about it and what it will cost me. This concludes with a CTA that prompts me to get in touch. 

What she also does well is to put the prices in relation to each other. Directly after the price overview, she has included a summary that explains the prices. This way, the visitor is not left thinking "That's expensive", but is directly put back into the situation that they are receiving "over 10 years of experience and psychologically sound work". 

Website analysis: potentials & options

Christina has created a very good website and a strong general public image that goes hand in hand with her branding. But is there anything she can do even better? And what options are there for developing her website further?

An important component of a website is "social proof". We humans simply work in such a way that we like what others like. On websites, this works primarily through testimonials and customer logos. Christina already describes a selection of her clients in her professional career, such as New Work SE, IDnow, ThyssenKrupp Management Consulting and Tomorrow Bank. She could present these more prominently with logos. Logos and images are easier to recognize than plain text. There may also be testimonials from these companies that she can include here. 

As described above, it could also formulate the CTA in the header more clearly. From just a phone number to an "invitation" to get in touch. This will subconsciously encourage visitors to do something.

To expand her website, she could consider implementing a recruiting blog. With a target group-oriented and SEO-optimized blog, she can gain more reach with her website and thus potential new customers. The search engine links for blog articles then lead visitors directly to her website and thus to her offer. She could also do the same in the form of guest articles that link her and her website to the article. 

Own website: Conclusion

Your own freelance recruiting website is your tool for branding and acquiring new customers. It gives you a new level of professional image and reach for new customer acquisition. If your branding runs through your website, your LinkedIn presence and your documents, such as presentations, your customers will be able to identify with it and contact you. Take advantage of online discoverability and let potential new customers find you. Use Christina's website and other freelancers you come across as a guide. They usually use a similar scheme. Above all, remember to answer the potential client's questions when creating your website:

  • Who am I dealing with?
  • Why should I employ this person?
  • What can I expect?
  • What will it cost me?


How do I create a website as a freelancer?

You can easily create your own website with WordPress or similar tools such as Jimdo or Think about your personal branding and present your offer. Take a look at the example in this article.

How much does it cost to have your own website?

The costs for your own website vary depending on how much you do yourself. With tools such as WordPress and the like, you can easily manage with €20 per month. If you hire an agency to create your website, it can cost several thousand euros.

Is it difficult to create a website?

In principle, anyone can create a website these days. Tools such as WordPress, or Jimdo offer simple solutions for creating a website yourself.

Freelance recruiting: Sales as an introvert

We all do it every day. Whether at work or in our private lives. No matter who we meet. We sell ourselves and "buy" others by evaluating them for us. One person is a better fit for us and our needs, the other a worse fit. Everyone has something to offer and presents themselves accordingly in the best possible way. Whether privately, for example in dating, or in the job, when we market ourselves and our service in sales. This goes hand in hand with the fact that we show ourselves and approach others, actively present ourselves and our service to others. Always in the awareness that the answer can also be "no" and that this is not a personal rejection. This is easier for some people than for others. And that's why some people find sales easier, while for others it involves heart palpitations and stress. These tend to be the more introverted among us. 

In this blog post, I'd like to give you 5 tips on how to make sales as an introvert and thus make it as a freelancer. But first, let's define what introversion and extraversion actually mean. 

What is introversion?

Introversion (colloquially also introversion) is a term that refers to a person's personality and defines him as rather introverted. That is, he likes to be by himself and doesn't need the limelight with a lot of outside attention. He likes to be in his thoughts and draws his energy from being quiet and alone.

What is extraversion?

Extraversion (colloquially also extroversion) is the opposite term, which also refers to a person's personality and defines him as more outwardly oriented. That is, he draws energy from contact with other people and likes outside attention. He is sociable and talkative and likes to be in the spotlight. 

Why is it harder for introverts in sales?

It is important to note in advance that there is no "right" or "wrong" and that every person has both parts within him or her. There is no such thing as the extrovert and the introvert. The majority of people are somewhere in the middle. However, there is usually a tendency in one of the two directions. And this can be particularly noticeable in sales. It makes a big difference whether I, as a person with extroverted tendencies, like to be the center of attention and approach other people as a matter of course, or whether I, as a person with introverted tendencies, prefer to stay at home alone all day and don't need any contact with other people at all. 

I am writing this blog post based on my own experiences. I consider myself a rather introverted person and remember exactly how nervous I was in my early days in sales. I can practically still feel the palpitations when I finally got around to cold calling back then. But don't worry, cold calling is not one of the tips I'm going to give you in this blog post. In fact, from my experience, this type of sales is more of a burden on both sides.

5 Tips on how to make sales as an (introverted) freelance recruiter

Tip 1: Specialization and network

The first tip goes in the direction of strategy. Before you start selling, define your target audience. As a freelance recruiter, you can naturally say that you serve anyone who needs recruiting services. Regardless of industry or positions sought. For starters, when you're looking for your first jobs, that can make sense. But if you're thinking sales long term, specializing in a particular area makes a lot of sense. For one thing, you position yourself as an expert in your field. On the other hand, you build up a network in this area, which benefits you in every follow-up order. For example, if you are an expert for sales positions in the SaaS area, you will expand your network of candidates in exactly this area with every job. They see your posts and you can always refer back to them. At the same time, you increase your "value" as a freelancer for new customers. In addition to your performance, they also buy your network and your reach. 

Tip 2: Use LinkedIn

How do you build up this network? For candidates, it's usually done via LinkedIn. And it's the same in sales. LinkedIn is the preferred channel. Especially if you are an introvert, LinkedIn is the channel of choice, because the hurdle to contact someone is much lower and you can get in touch with the "right" people directly. Compared to cold calling, where you often have to phone your way through various instances until you get through to the decision maker, a contact request on LinkedIn is easier and better. You have direct access to the decision maker. Your counterpart sees your request in a relaxed state when he is currently on social media. And you can stay in touch with him even if the feedback is negative for the time being. Decision-makers also like to gather a network that they can quickly call on when they need it. A "no" is usually a "not at the moment." Therefore, send him your documents without obligation and inquire once in longer cycles whether something has changed. 

Tip 3: Other freelancers

It continues with networking. Network with other freelancers in your field and the HR field in general. They are all out in companies and they can't always do everything on their own. For example, someone may be more strategically oriented and you could be operationally involved, or several freelancers may be needed because the workload is too high. There are many reasons and freelancers recommend each other. By the way, this goes both ways. If you have options, bring client and freelancer together. This way you do something good for both and strengthen your reputation as a reliable network contact. 

Tip 4: Measure

Visit trade fairs in the HR sector and your field to get in touch with potential companies. Face-to-face contact in sales can again be a hurdle for introverts, but you can help yourself with structure. All you need is a sentence, a question, and a business card that's cleverly designed. Design the business card to briefly explain your service and include your website or contact information. Then create a sentence with a question that you say as an introduction in every conversation. Each introduction is the same. You greet each other and say your sentence and question. For example, you could say "Hi. I'm a freelance recruiter specializing in sales positions in the tech industry. May I leave you my card once?". The reaction of your counterpart either invites further exchange or not. But you've cleared the hurdle of addressing them. You simply use this structure in every introduction and wait for the reaction. And with each new introduction, the fear of being approached disappears more and more.

However, approach the topic carefully at trade shows. The above method is deliberately kept short and to the point, as sales activities are not very popular at trade fairs. Therefore, with one sentence and one question, you steal a maximum of ten seconds from your counterpart. But: It doesn't cost anything to ask.

Tip 5: Databases & freelancer portals

As a final tip, it is recommended that you simply let others do the selling and let yourself be approached. You can register yourself in various databases of personnel service providers and freelancer portals and let them find you. This has the advantage that you are constantly present for others and receive regular inquiries over time. A disadvantage, however, could be that you have to adjust your hourly rate, since your counterpart will calculate a commission to refer you. 

Sales always has to do with people. As a freelance recruiter, if you want to have permanent contracts on your hands, you should make sure to network and acquire new customers on a regular basis. It's rare that you'll inquire today and it'll go off tomorrow. Therefore, keep sales as an ongoing practice. There comes a point when you "live off your network" and need to do less sales. But you have to work this one out. It's doable even if you're an introvert. Use the tips and establish yourself in your field.

Little Tip:

If you plan to go into business for yourself, start networking or acquiring clients before you actually go into business for yourself. The acquisition process can take several weeks or even months. In the best case, you start your self-employment and can immediately fall back on a small network and one to three orders. This gives you courage and overcomes the initial lean period. You can find more information about your start as a freelance recruiter in the blog post Become a freelance recruiter: Everything you need to know now.

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What characterizes an introvert?

Introversion (colloquially also introversion) is a term that refers to a person's personality and defines him as rather introverted. That is, he likes to be by himself and doesn't need the limelight with a lot of outside attention. He likes to be in his thoughts and draws his energy from being quiet and alone.

What characterizes an extrovert?

Extraversion (colloquially also extroversion) is the opposite term, which also refers to a person's personality and defines him as more outwardly oriented. That is, he draws energy from contact with other people and likes outside attention. He is sociable and talkative and likes to be in the spotlight. 

How do I do sales as an introvert?

You can also be successful in sales without cold calling. To do this, build up a network via LinkedIn, for example, or work together with other service providers. Freelancer portals are also interesting for regular incoming orders.